Lime has been a vital ingredient in building throughout history. Here are some interesting facts I have discovered:

  1. Lime lets buildings breathe – lime is recognised as one of the most sympathetic building materials there is. The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings recommends lime binders for restoration work precisely because they allow buildings to breathe.

  2. Lime has stood the test of time – the Pantheon Temple in Rome has a lime concrete dome spanning some 142ft which has survived intact for nearly 2,000 years!

  3. Lime provides a comfortable environment – lime plasters, mortars and renders are hydroscopic, meaning that they absorb moisture from the air. This results in a more comfortable environment and reduces the likelihood of surface condensation or mould developing. 

  4. Lime mixes have excellent workability – workability is the term given to the ability of a mortar or plaster to remain smooth and mouldable. Good workability assists good workmanship.

  5. Lime helps maintain a healthy environment – lime has a high alkalinity and is often used as a disinfectant in the form of a lime wash. It can also be used for water purification.

  6. Local lime increases regional diversity – local limes have a regional identity and provide a sense of place and history. Different types of lime will vary dramatically in colour, texture and their setting properties.

For all your restorations or projects requiring Lime plastering, just give Pete Maguire a call on 01452 535656 for help, advice and a free quotation.